Tips on Finding a Job to Apply for.

530 words.

Job opportunities are gradually drying up. This is a process which has been continuing since I started in the workforce, and probably before. Still, there are plenty of jobs out there, here are some ways to find them. You should try to use all of these methods in your search for a job.

Networking. Don’t make a secret of the fact that you want a job. Parents, friends, teachers, neighbours, the guy running the corner store… everyone potentially knows someone who can give you a job, and they can recommend you to that person. You might be surprised to hear that most people who are working got their job this way.

Online. In Australia, the most popular employment websites include Seek, Careerone and mycareer. Some employers post jobs on trading sites such as Gumtree or The Quokka. Commonwealth Government jobs are listed in Jobsearch and there are state government versions of this too. There are also specialist job sites and agents who post jobs online.
Being active in internet communities which are relevant to the kind of work you are seeking can also result in job offers, you never know who is lurking online.
What are the main employment websites in your country, or in your specialist field?

Newspapers. Job advertisements tend to be posted on one or two days of the week. So get up early and scan the listings.

Recruitment agencies. These tend to specialize in particular types of work. If you are unskilled or a student, try one that specializes in temp work.

Direct, cold approach. There is nothing wrong with asking a stranger for a job. If you know what job you want, it is an excellent method. I won two jobs this way and they were both good jobs.
There are two ways of approaching a potential employer – phoning or walk in.

This is the preferred way if you are looking for a professional or career focussed job.

  1. Research the company. Look at the corporate website, facebook, discussion forums.
  2. Try to find out the name of the person who makes the decision to employ.
  3. Call and ask to speak to that person or, if you were unable to find a name, the ‘manager in charge of recruitment’.
  4. Don’t be nervous. Even if you screw up badly, they will forget about you in a couple of days.
  5. If they can’t help you, ask if they know someone who is hiring.
  6. Press for an interview.

Walk in.

  1. Be prepared. Have a resume, a file with copies of your qualifications and business cards.
  2. Front up to the desk and ask to see the manager.
  3. Tell the manager what you want. If they seem flustered or busy, set up an appointment.

If you have tried all of these methods and still can’t find the job you want, even after a couple of months, it may be that the job you want is not available in the area you are in right now. You may have to try for an entry level job or move somewhere you know that has a stronger economy or has more of the type of industry which employs people in your field of work.

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